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CRN : ITK-Fachhandel, Online-Händler, Systemhäuser
Haar b. München : WEKA Fachmedien
Poing : Computer-Reseller-Verl. [früher]
Poing : CMP-Weka-Verl. [früher]
Haar b. München : CMP-Weka-Verl. [früher]
Nachgewiesen 1998-2020, Nr. 18 (4. September 2020)
Hauptsacht. bis 2013,6: Computer-Reseller-News
Zusatz anfangs: Fachmedium für Fachhändler, Integratoren und Systemhäuser
Periodizität: wöchentl.
39 cm
Ungezählte Beil.: CRN-Extra
Ungezählte Beilage 2018: Sonderheft zur Cebit
Fortgesetzt durch: ICT CHANNEL
Supplement 1998-2008,3: Salesguide extra
Supplement 2008-2012: Solution extra
Supplement 1999-2005: VAR-Business xtra
Supplement 1999-2007: Storage extra
Supplement 1999-2019: Distribution extra
Supplement 2000-2002: [IT.Karrierenews]
Supplement 2002-2003: Reseller-Shop
Supplement 2003: ENAiKOON GmbH (Berlin): ENAiKOON-Magazin
Supplement 2003-2006: Storage solutions
Supplement 2003: Software xtra
Supplement 2003-2013: Systemhaus extra
Supplement 2014-2019: Ihr Systemhaus
Supplement 2004: Creative channel news
Supplement 2004: Print solutions
Supplement 2004-2005: LINUX solutions
Supplement 2005-2008: Konvergenz-Guide
Supplement 2006-2007: VoIP solutions
Supplement 2005-2006: Output solutions
Supplement 2005-2006: Security solutions
Supplement 2007: Security IT Solutions
Supplement 2007: Output IT solutions
Supplement 2007: Storage IT solutions
Supplement 2007-2008: Distribution-Atlas extra
Supplement 2009-2011: Distribution Atlas
Supplement 2007-2008: VAR Extra
Supplement 2008: [IT-Solutions / Storage]
Supplement 2008: [IT-Solutions / Output]
Supplement 2008-2009: [IT-Solutions / Security]
Supplement 2008: [IT-Solutions / Unified-Communications]
Supplement 2012-: CRN-Einkaufsführer
Supplement 2013-2017: Value added distribution
Supplement: Funkschau (ISSN: 0016-2841)
Supplement 2014-2018: CRN, Channel Guide
Supplement: CRN, Hersteller Extra
Supplement 2020-: CRN, Bester Hersteller
Supplement 2017-: CRN, Case Studies
Supplement 2019-: CRN Sonderheft Storage
Supplement 2019: CRN Sonderheft Business Enabling
Haar Landkreis München ; Poing
Authorised ISSN: 1619-1102
ISSN: 1619-1102
OCLC number: 1184089224
DDC subject groups: 004 Data processing & computer science ; 380 Commerce, communications & transportation
DDC numbers: 004.05
specialised newspaper
Germany, Federal Republic of and Germany since 1990-10-03