3,Suppl.1=18; 5,Suppl.1=19; 7,Suppl.1=20; 13,4,Suppl.=23 von: Società Italiana di Endocrinologia: Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
9,Suppl.1=21; 11,Suppl.2=22 von: Società Italiana di Endocrinologia: National congress
6,Suppl.=1983; 8,Suppl.=1985; 10,Suppl.=1987; 12,4,Suppl.=1989 von: Giornate Endocrinologiche Pisane: Riassunti delle comunicazioni
11,4,Suppl.=1987/88 von: ha- Aguddā hay-Yiśre'ēlît le-Endôqrînôlôgyā: Program & abstracts
12,4,Suppl.=2 von: Opioid peptides in biological fluids biology and clinic
12,5,Suppl.2=4; 16,8,Suppl.1=6 von: European Neuroendocrine Association: Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association
14,6,Suppl.4=5 von: European Neuroendocrine Association: Abstracts of the ... meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association
16,6,Suppl.2=21; 17,6,Suppl.1=22; 19,6,Suppl.=23; 20,5,Suppl.=24 von: European Thyroid Association: Résumés
16,6,2=21; 17,6,Suppl.1=22; 20,5,Suppl.=24; 25,7,Suppl.=28 von: European Thyroid Association: Annual meeting of the European Thyroid Association
17,2,Suppl.1=1; 27,8,Suppl.=6 von: Società Italiana di Andrologia Medica: National Congress of the Italian Society of Medical Andrology
17,3,Suppl.2=25; 18,5,Suppl.=26; 20,4,Suppl.=27; 22,4,Suppl.=28; 24,7,Suppl.=29; 26,6,Suppl.=30; 30,4,Suppl.=32; 32,2,Suppl.=33 von: Società Italiana di Endocrinologia: National Congress of the Italian Society of Endocrinology
22,7,Suppl.=16 von: Polskie Towarzystwo Endokrynologiczne: Congress of the Polish Society of Endocrinology