Annuaire européen = European yearbook / publ. sous les auspices du Conseil de l'Europe
Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff 1955 -
Annuaire européen = European yearbook / publ. sous les auspices du Conseil de l'Europe
Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff
La Haye : Martinus Nijhoff [1977]
The Hague ; Boston ; London : Martinus Nijhoff [1978-1983]
Dordrecht ; Boston ; Lancaster : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers [1985-1986]
Dordrecht ; Boston ; London : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers [1988-1995]
The Hague ; Boston ; London : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers [1996-2003]
Leiden ; Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers [2004-2013]
Publication history
1.1948/53(1955); 2.1954(1955) -
Index 1/5.1948/57 in: 5.1957; 1/12.1948/64 in: 12.1964,2; 1/20.1948/72 in: 22.1974
Text franz. u. engl.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0167-6717
OCLC number: 1367285927
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 050 Magazines, journals & serials
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): MK 5000 ; PR 1000 ; PS 1000
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 610 ; 650
German subject headings: Europa ; Internationale Organisation ; Internationale Kooperation ; Wörterbuch
Special subject collections:
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Mitteilungen des Europarats / veröffentlicht von der Presse- und Informationsabteilung des Europarats
Kehl : Morstadt 1951-1977
Mitteilungen des Europarats / veröffentlicht von der Presse- und Informationsabteilung des Europarats
Kehl : Morstadt
[Strasbourg] : Presse- u. Informationsabt. [anfangs]
Publication history
1.1951 - 18.1968; 1969 - 1977
Abbreviated title: Mitt.d.Europarates, Strassburg
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Forum des Europarats
Strasbourg : Europarat, Presse- u. Informationsabt. 1978-1996
Strasbourg : Europarat, Presse- u. Informationsabt.
Publication history
1978 - 1996; damit Ersch. eingest.
Hauptsacht. bis 1989: Forum Europarat
Abbreviated title: Forum Eur.-Rat
Bis 1986 angeb. Beil.: Fachbeilage
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0252-0966
OCLC number: 643535250
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 940 History of Europe
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PS 1000
German subject headings: Europa ; Zeitschrift
Europa ; Politik ; Zeitschrift
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Information bulletin on legal activities within the Council of Europe and in member states / Council of Europe, Legal Affairs
Strasbourg : Council 1978-1991
Information bulletin on legal activities within the Council of Europe and in member states / Council of Europe, Legal Affairs
Publication history
1.1978 - 31.1991; damit Ersch. eingest.
Index 13/16.1982/83 in: 17.1984; 18/20.1984/85=25.1987; 21/23.1985/86=28.1988
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0252-0877
OCLC number: 243417917
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PS 1000 ; PS 3710
German subject headings: Europarecht ; Recht ; Bericht
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Pharmeuropa scientific notes : the European pharmacopoeia forum
Strasbourg : EDQM 2005-2009
Pharmeuropa scientific notes : the European pharmacopoeia forum
Gesehen am 21.12.11
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European social charter : collected (provisional) edition of the "travaux préparatoires" / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council of Europe 1953-1958
European social charter : collected (provisional) edition of the "travaux préparatoires" / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council of Europe
Publication history
Volume 1 (1953/54) - volume 5 (1958) ; damit Erscheinen eingestellt
Gesehen am 6.3.2020
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Human rights information bulletin : an update on human rights activities within the Council of Europe / Directorate of Human Rights, Council of Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1997-2012
Human rights information bulletin : an update on human rights activities within the Council of Europe / Directorate of Human Rights, Council of Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 41.1997 -no. 85 (November 2011 - April 2012) ; damit Erscheinen eingestellt
Frühere Jg. online nicht mehr verfügbar
Gesehen am 23. Mai 2016
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Human rights information bulletin (ISSN: 1608-9618)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1608-7372
OCLC number: 1368154445
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Etat des signatures et des ratifications des conventions et accords du Conseil de l'Europe = Chart showing signatures and ratifications of Council of Europe conventions and agreements / Conseil de l'Europe, Direction des Affaires Juridiques
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1969-1998
Etat des signatures et des ratifications des conventions et accords du Conseil de l'Europe = Chart showing signatures and ratifications of Council of Europe conventions and agreements / Conseil de l'Europe, Direction des Affaires Juridiques
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Hauptsacht. 1987,Jan.u.Juli: Et́at des signatures et des ratifications des conventions et accords conclus au sein du Conseil de l'Europe
Text engl. u. franz.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0252-9122
OCLC number: 1371237462
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PS 4020 ; PS 4030
Special subject collections:
2,1 ; FID-KRIM-DE-21
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Activities of the Council of Europe : ... report
Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press 1972-2005
Activities of the Council of Europe : ... report
Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press
Publication history
1972 - 1973; 1990(1992) - 2004(2005)
Hauptsacht. 1995: Report on the activities of the Council of Europe
Zusatz bis 1973: report of the Secretary General
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PS 4020 ; PS 4040
Special subject collections:
27 ; 3,6
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Exchange of information between the member states on their legislative activity and regulations / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1966-1977
Exchange of information between the member states on their legislative activity and regulations / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
[1.]1964(1966) - [2.]1965(1966); 3.1966(1967) - 4.1966(1967); N.S. Nr. 1.1967(1968) - 10.1976(1977)
Hauptsacht. bis 4.1966: Exchange of information between member states of the Council of Europe on bills and draft regulations introduced in ...
Nebent. bis 4.1966: Exchange of information between member states of the Council of Europe on legislative activities in certain legal fields
ab N.S. 5.1971: Bulletin on legislative activities
teils: Exchange of information between the member states of the Council of Europe on their legislative activity and regulations
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0589-9354
OCLC number: 643296771
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Données statistiques / Conseil de l'Europe = Statistical data / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1954-1960
Données statistiques / Conseil de l'Europe = Statistical data / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
1.1954 - 2.1955; 1956 - 1960; damit Ersch. eingest.
Hauptsacht. bis 1957: Données statistiques à l'usage des organes du Conseil de l'Europe
Parallelsacht. bis 1957: Statistical data for the use of the Council of Europe
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Report on the activities of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council 1974-1992
Report on the activities of the Council of Europe
Publication history
1974/75 - 1982(1983); 1987(1989) - 1989(1991)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0525-9282
OCLC number: 1367725026
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PS 4040
Special subject collections:
27 ; 3,6
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Activity report / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ. 2004 -
Activity report / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ.
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 2003(2004) -
Gesehen am 18.09.2019
Frühere Jahrgänge online nicht mehr verfügbar
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Council of Europe treaty series = Série des traités du Conseil de l'Europe
Strasbourg : Council 2004 -
Council of Europe treaty series = Série des traités du Conseil de l'Europe
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Recent demographic developments in Europe = Evolution démographique récente en Europe / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing 1991-2006
Recent demographic developments in Europe = Evolution démographique récente en Europe / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing
Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press [anfangs]
Publication history
1991; 1992(1993) - 1993(1994); 1994 - 2003; 2004(2005) - 2005(2006); damit Ersch. eingest.
Hauptsacht. 1992: Recent demographic developments in Europe and North America
Anfangs ohne Parallelsacht.
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Naturopa / Europarat. [Deutsche Ausgabe]
Strasbourg : Europarat, Centre Naturopa 1974-2000
Strasbourg : Europarat, Centre Naturopa
Strassburg : Europ. Informationszentrum für Naturschutz [anfangs]
Publication history
Nr. 20.1974 - 94.2000; damit Ersch. eingest.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0250-7099
OCLC number: 1367726999
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European conventions and agreements = Conventions et accords européens / Council of Europe
Strasbourg : Council 1971 -
European conventions and agreements = Conventions et accords européens / Council of Europe
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PS 4025
German subject headings: Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag ; Quelle
Europarat ; Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag ; Quelle
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European treaty series : agreements and conventions concluded between the members of the Council of Europe = Série des traités européens / Council of Europe, Publications Section
Strasbourg : Council 1949-2003
European treaty series : agreements and conventions concluded between the members of the Council of Europe = Série des traités européens / Council of Europe, Publications Section
Publication history
Nr. [1.]1949 - [3.]1949; 4.1950 - 193.2003
Parallelsacht. anfangs: Série des traités et conventions européennes
Zählung unregelmäßig
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Periodical report by the Standing Committee on the European Convention on Establishment (Individuals) / Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Strasbourg : Council 1971 -
Periodical report by the Standing Committee on the European Convention on Establishment (Individuals) / Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Publication history
1.1971 - 3.1977; 4.1986 -
Parallelsacht. teils: Rapport périodiques
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0377-2748
OCLC number: 1367290733
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science ; 340 Law
German subject headings: Europarat ; Niederlassungsfreiheit
Special subject collections:
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Echange d'informations entre les états membres sur leur activité législative et réglementaire / Conseil de l'Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1966-1977
Echange d'informations entre les états membres sur leur activité législative et réglementaire / Conseil de l'Europe
Strasbourg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. [1.]1964(1966) - [2.]1965(1966); 3.1966(1967) - 4.1966(1967) = Pt. 1-2; N.S. 1.1967(1968) - 10.1976(1977)
Hauptsacht. [1.]1964 - [2.]1965: Echange d'informations entre les états membres du Conseil de lÈurope sur leur activité législative dans certains domaines du droit
3.1966 - 4.1966: Echange d'informations entre les états membres du Conseil de l'Europe sur leurs projets de lois et de règlementations déposés en ...
N.S. 1.1967 - 4.1970: Echange d'informations entre les états membres du Conseil de l'Europe sur leur activité législative et réglementaire en ...
Nebent. 3.1966 - 4.1966: Echange d'informations entre les états membres sur leurs projets de lois et de règlementations déposés en ...
N.S. 1.1967 - 4.1970: Echange d'informations entre les états membres sur leur activité législative et réglementaire
5.1971 ff.: Bulletin sur les activités législatives
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0250-4014
OCLC number: 183327187
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