Vereinte Nationen : Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen / hrsg. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, (DGVN)
Stuttgart : Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag 1962 -
Vereinte Nationen : Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen / hrsg. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, (DGVN)
Stuttgart : Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag
Koblenz : Mönch [1962-[?]]
Kehl [u.a.] : Engel [früher]
Baden-Baden : Nomos-Verl.-Ges. [[?]-2010]
Berlin ; [Stuttgart] : BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag [2011-2022]
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 0042-384X
ISSN: 0042-384X
OCLC number: 231443608
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science
DDC numbers: 327.17 ; 341.23
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 610 ; 600
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PR 1000
German subject headings: Vereinte Nationen ; Zeitschrift
Vereinte Nationen ; Sonderorganisation ; Zeitschrift
Special subject collections:
Preservation and archiving
Committed to retain; Volumes: 59.2011-70.2022 ; Authorization: Deposition copy Berlin ; Institution: Berlin ZLB
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Statistical yearbook / United Nations = Annuaire statistique / Nations Unies / Department for Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division
New York, NY : Off. 1949 -
Statistical yearbook / United Nations = Annuaire statistique / Nations Unies / Department for Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division
New York, NY : Off.
Lake Success [u.a.] [anfangs]
Publication history
Iss. 1.1948(1949) - 53.2009; 54.2009=2010(2011) - 55.2010=2011(2012); 56.2011(2013) -
Monographic series
Anfangs: Statistical papers / United Nations, Statistical Office : Ser. S
Ersch. jährl.; 54.2010 fälschlich als 54.2009; 55.2011 fälschlich als 55.2010 gez.
Beteil. Körp. bis 24.1972: Statistical Office of the United Nations, Department of Economic Affairs; 25.1973 - 36.1987: Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office; 37.1988/89: Department of Economic and Social Development, Statistical Office; 38.1990/91 - 40.1993: Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Statistical Division; 41.1994: Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Statistics Division
Repr.: Nendeln : Kraus
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0082-8459
OCLC number: 1367295361
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 310 Statistics ; 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 810 ; 812 ; 650 ; 630 ; 610
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): AE 70100 ; QA 10000 ; QG 000
Systematik der TUB München (stub): SOZ 720z
German subject headings: Vereinte Nationen ; Statistik
Vereinte Nationen ; Mitgliedsstaaten ; Weltbevölkerung ; Weltwirtschaft ; Statistik
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Yearbook of the United Nations = Annuaire des Nations Unies / Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York
New York, NY : Dep.of Public Information, United Nations 1947 -
Yearbook of the United Nations = Annuaire des Nations Unies / Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York
New York, NY : Dep.of Public Information, United Nations
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Nijhoff [teils]
The Hague [u.a.] : Nijhoff [teils]
Monographic series
United Nations publication
1995 ersch.: Special ed. UN fiftieth anniversary 1945/95(1995)
Ersch. jährl.
Beteil. Körp. früher: United Nations, Office of Public Information
27 cm
Repr.: Nendeln : Kraus; New York, NY : Johnson
Später ohne Parallelsacht.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0082-8521
OCLC number: 643525614
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law ; 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): AW 02100 ; PR 1000
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 610 ; 600 ; 630 ; 650
German subject headings: Vereinte Nationen
Vereinte Nationen
Special subject collections:
FID-INTRECHT-DE-1a ; 2 ; 3,6
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Economic survey of Europe / prep. by the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, United Nations
New York, NY [u.a.] : United Nations 1948-2005
Economic survey of Europe / prep. by the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, United Nations
New York, NY [u.a.] : United Nations
Geneva : United Nations [anfangs]
Publication history
1.1947(1948) - 58.2005; damit Ersch. eingest.
Monographic series
United Nations publication
Hauptsacht. 1.1947: A survey of the economic situation and prospects of Europe
Hauptsacht. 6.1953: Economic survey of Europe since the war
24.1970,Pt.1; 32.1978,Pt.2 nicht ersch.
Urh. bis 1956: United Nations, Department of Economic Affairs; 1957: Department of Economic and Social Affairs; später teils: Research and Planning Division, Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations
Further related titles
15,1=1961; 16,1=1962; 17,1=1963; 18=1964; 19,1=1965; 20=1966; 21=1967; 22=1968; 23,2=1969; 24,2=1970; 25,2=1971; 26=1972; 27=1973; 28,1=1974; 29=1975; 30,1=1976; 31,1=1977; 32,1=1978; 33=1979; 34=1980 von: The European economy
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0070-8712
OCLC number: 1367320378
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 330 Economics
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): QG 100
German subject headings: Europa ; Wirtschaft
Europa ; Wirtschaft ; Zeitschrift
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World economic survey : current trends and policies in the world economy / United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis
New York, NY : United Nations 1956-1993
World economic survey : current trends and policies in the world economy / United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis
New York, NY : United Nations
Publication history
8.1955(1956) - 25.1973(1974); 1974(1975) - 1986; 40.1987; [41.]1988 - [45.]1992; 46.1993
Monographic series
United Nations publication
Urh. bis 1991: United Nations, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs; 1992: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Development
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0084-1714
OCLC number: 224463151
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 330 Economics
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): QG 000
German subject headings: Weltwirtschaft ; Entwicklung
Weltwirtschaft ; Sozioökonomischer Wandel
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Trade and development report : report by the Secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Trade and development report : report by the Secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Publication history
1.1981 - 2011; 1981/2011(2012); 2012 -
Monographic series
United Nations publication
Später ohne Zählung
Ungezählte Beil.: Supporting papers; teils: Overview
Ab 1997 mit wechselnden Themen
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0255-4607
OCLC number: 231030221
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Yearbook of international trade statistics = Annuaire statistique du commerce international / United Nations, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
New York, NY : UN 1951-1985
Yearbook of international trade statistics = Annuaire statistique du commerce international / United Nations, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
Publication history
1.1950(1951) - 31.1982(1984/85)
Monographic series
2.1951 - 22.1972/73: ST STAT : Ser. G
23.1974 - 31.1982: ST ESA STAT : Ser. G
Ersch. ab 23.1974 in Vol. 1: Trade by country; Vol. 2: Trade by commodity, Commodity matrix tables
Repr.: Nendeln : Kraus
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0084-3822
OCLC number: 183316494
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Uno-Bilanz / hrsg. von d. Liga für die Vereinten Nationen in der DDR in Zs.-arbeit mit d. Institut für Internationale Beziehungen
Dresden : Verl. Zeit im Bild 1960-1989
Uno-Bilanz / hrsg. von d. Liga für die Vereinten Nationen in der DDR in Zs.-arbeit mit d. Institut für Internationale Beziehungen
Dresden : Verl. Zeit im Bild
Berlin : Dt. Verl. d. Wiss. [anfangs]
Berlin : [Kongreß-Verl.] [früher]
Berlin : Staatsverl. d. Dt. Demokrat. Republik [früher]
Publication history
1959(1960) - 1981/82(1982); 1983/84(1984) - 1988/89(1989); damit Ersch. eingest.
Nebent.: Bilanz der ... Uno-Vollversammlung
Other editions
Parallele Sprachausgabe Engl. Ausg.: UN review (ISSN: 0233-139X)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0323-4991
OCLC number: 224531475
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 940 History of Europe
Other classifications:
IFZ-Systematik (ifzs): b 102 ; b 111
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PR 2410
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Yearbook on human rights : for ... / United Nations
New York, NY [u.a.] : UN 1947-1992
Yearbook on human rights : for ... / United Nations
Publication history
1946(1947) - 1988(1992); damit Ersch. eingest.
Monographic series
United Nations publication
Ersch. jährl.
27 cm
Repr.: Nendeln : Kraus
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0251-6519
OCLC number: 243417228
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PR 1000
German subject headings: Menschenrecht ; Quelle
Preservation and archiving
Committed to retain; Note: f eingeschränkte Benutzung; Volumes: 1946(1947) - 1988(1992); Date of action: 2019 ; Authorization: Speicherverbund Nord ; Institution: Hamburg SUB
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Global Humanitarian Overview
New York : United Nations 2018 -
Global Humanitarian Overview
New York : United Nations
Gesehen am 02.07.2024
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The millennium development goals report / United Nations
New York, NY : United Nations 2005-2015
The millennium development goals report / United Nations
New York, NY : United Nations
Gesehen am 24.09.24
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2411-8575
OCLC number: 1368958545
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Economic survey of Europe / prep. by the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, United Nations
New York, NY [u.a.] : United Nations 1998-2005
Economic survey of Europe / prep. by the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, United Nations
New York, NY [u.a.] : United Nations
Geneva : United Nations [früher]
Publication history
1998, no. 1 [?]-2005, no. 2 ; damit Erscheinen eingestellt
Monographic series
United Nations publication
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National accounts statistics / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division. Analysis of main aggregates
New York, NY : United Nations 2013 -
National accounts statistics / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division
Analysis of main aggregates
New York, NY : United Nations
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 42.2011(2013) -
Monographic series
United Nations publications
Gesehen am 12.06.18
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2412-1827
OCLC number: 1239924499
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National accounts statistics / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division, United Nations. Main aggregates and detailed tables
New York, NY : United Nations 1985 -
National accounts statistics / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division, United Nations
Main aggregates and detailed tables
New York, NY : United Nations
Monographic series
United Nations publications
Teils: Economic & social affairs
Ersch. anfangs teils u. später in 1 bis 5 Teilen; Band 58 doppelt gezählt
Urh. wechselt
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0259-3025
OCLC number: 183390361
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 310 Statistics ; 330 Economics
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): QA 10000
German subject headings: Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung ; Weltwirtschaft ; Statistik
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Report on the world social situation / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Inclusive Social Development
New York, NY : United Nations 1957-2018
Report on the world social situation / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Inclusive Social Development
New York, NY : United Nations
Monographic series
United Nations publication
Ab 15.2001: Economic & social affairs
Später mit Zählung im Vorwort; ersch. anfangs vierjährl., ab 2001 zweijährl.
Ungezählte Beil.: Suppl.
Beteil. Körp. 9.1978 - 12.1989: Department of International Economic and Social Affairs; 13.1993: Department of Economic and Social Development; [14.]1997: Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis; 15.2001: Department of Economic and Social Affairs; teils: Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0082-8068
OCLC number: 231040547
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UN monthly chronicle / United Nations Office of Public Information
New York, NY : Off. 1964-1982
UN monthly chronicle / United Nations Office of Public Information
Nebent.: UN chronicle
Abbreviated title: UN Mon Chron
Repr.: Buffalo, NY : Hein
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0041-5367
OCLC number: 1367298383
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Economic survey of Asia and the Far East / United Nations
New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1948-1974
Economic survey of Asia and the Far East / United Nations
New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Monographic series
United Nations publication
Abweichender Titel bei UN i-Library: Economic and social survey of Asia and the Far East ...
Gesehen am 18.12.2023
Einzelne Bände zugleich Bände von: Economic bulletin for Asia and the Far East
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Yearbook of the United Nations = Annuaire des Nations Unies / Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York
New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1946 -
Yearbook of the United Nations = Annuaire des Nations Unies / Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York
New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Nijhoff [teils]
The Hague [u.a.] : Nijhoff [teils]
Gesehen am 14.12.22
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2412-1541
OCLC number: 1368560709
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Vereinte Nationen : Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen : German review on the United Nations / herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (DGVN)
Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinte Nationen e.V. ; Berlin : BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl. 1962 -
Vereinte Nationen : Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen : German review on the United Nations / herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (DGVN)
Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinte Nationen e.V.
Berlin : BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl.
Baden-Baden : August Lutzeyer [1962-1963]
Koblenz : Mönch Verlag [1963-1988]
Kehl am Rhein ; Straßburg ; Arlington : N.P. Engel Verlag [1989-1993]
Baden-Baden : Nomos-Verl.-Ges. [1994-2010]
Gesehen am 08.07.2024
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 2366-6773
Linking ISSN: 0042-384X
ISSN: 2366-6773
OCLC number: 1184312240
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): PR 1000
German subject headings: Vereinte Nationen ; Zeitschrift
Preservation and archiving
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National accounts statistics / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division. Analysis of main aggregates
New York, NY : United Nations Publ. Div. 1985 -
National accounts statistics / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division
Analysis of main aggregates
New York, NY : United Nations Publ. Div.
Publication history
26.1982(1985) - 31.1988/89(1991); 32.1998/99(2002) -
Monographic series
United Nations publications
Urh. anfangs: United Nations, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0259-3017
OCLC number: 260175819
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 310 Statistics ; 330 Economics
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): QA 10000
German subject headings: Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung ; Weltwirtschaft ; Statistik
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